The North Africa Cultural Program: Meet the Grantees from Algeria
17 / 7 / 2024

Six Algerian entities working in the areas of film, music, publishing and photography will be receiving support under the National Cultural Opportunities Fund of the second cycle of the North Africa Cultural Program (NACP).

The NACP Algeria jury committee was composed of Lydia Haddag, Rachid Briki and Salah Badis, who issued the following statement:

    “As the jury of the local support fund for Algeria within the North Africa Cultural Program, we reviewed many submissions which provided us with a clear understanding of the Algerian cultural landscape. The overall quality of the projects presented and the innovative approaches put forth by the cultural entities were commendable. Several submissions stood out for their originality and robust presentation. Many institutions exhibited a long-term vision and remarkable determination despite facing administrative and bureaucratic obstacles prevalent in the cultural sector. This dedication underscores the passion and commitment of the project leaders toward the cultural evolution of our country. The jury congratulates all the cultural entities awarded this grant.

    During our evaluation process, we focused on the quality and nature of the proposed projects, ensuring that they addressed pressing needs and gaps in Algeria’s cultural landscape in a creative and effective way. We looked for initiatives with an ambitious and sustainable administrative and structural vision. The jury was particularly impressed by projects that presented bold, creative ideas and a fresh perspective on their work.

    Some projects failed to move beyond traditional roles as cultural institutions and did not introduce innovative initiatives to elevate the cultural scene in the country. Additionally, some lacked a realistic vision in aligning their human resources and expertise — both administrative and operational — with the required budget, hindering their ability to achieve their objectives.

    The jury was aligned on multiple levels, with most selecting projects receiving unanimous approval. This consensus created a harmonious atmosphere and clear evaluation criteria. The jury dedicated ample time to discussing the details of each project after the initial voting process to ensure an equitable and thorough evaluation opportunity for all.

    The projects that captured our attention and received votes were those that exhibited strength in vision and presentation, in addition to an innovative approach to the Algerian cultural landscape. We also favored projects that proposed an effective use of the grant to structure their institutions and foster long-term relationships within their community.

    The awarded projects span various fields, from visual arts to music, encompassing printing and publishing, cinema, memory preservation and archiving initiatives, and training programs. In our view, all these projects offer a unique and high-quality contribution to the Algerian cultural scene.”

The six Algerian entities, selected among 36 applicants, are characterized by their work with young, emerging and underserved communities, as well as their efforts to build the capacities of their stakeholders, and disseminate the outputs to larger audiences.

The selected entities

These entities stand among 81 institutions supported under the second cycle of the NACP (2024-2027). The NACP is carried out by AFAC with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The first cycle of the program (2019-2023) benefited 54 cultural organizations and over 2,500 practitioners and professionals, through diversified grants, training, events, and encounters that offered opportunities for networking and exchange among participants.