Adania Shibli

Cinema - 2018
Adania Shibli has been writing novels, plays, short stories and narrative essays, which were published in various anthologies, art books, and literary and cultural magazines in different languages. She has twice been awarded the Qattan Young Writer's Award-Palestine: in 2001 for her novel Masaas (translated into English as Touch. Northampton: Clockroot, 2009), and in 2003 for her novel Kulluna Ba’id Bethat al Miqdar aan el-Hub (translated into English as We Are All Equally Far from Love. Northampton: Clockroot, 2012). Her latest novel is Tafsil Thanawi (Minor Detail, Beirut: Al-Adab, 2017).

Amongst her non-fiction books are: Dispositions (Ramallah: Qattan, 2012), an art book exploring the element of movement in the works of contemporary Palestinian visual artists; and an edited collection of essays, A Journey of Ideas Across: In Dialog with Edward Said, (Berlin: HKW, 2014). Along her writing practice, Shibli is engaged in academic research and teaching. Since 2013, she has been visiting professor at the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Birzeit University, Palestine.