Diana El Jeiroudi

Documentary Film - 2018
Diana El Jeiroudi is an awarded documentary filmmaker and promoter. In 2002 Diana co-founded Proaction Film in Syria to produce highly-acclaimed documentaries, including Silvered Water in 2014 (Cannes Séance Spéciale). In 2007, she co-founded DOX BOX festival in Syria. In 2014, Diana co-founded DOX BOX e.v. in Berlin, and has been heading it since then, empowering the documentary film scene from the Arab World, a heir to the pioneering documentary film festival she originally co-founded in Syria under the same name. For her overall work, she has been awarded the EDN Award and the Catherine Kartlidge Award. She repeatedly seated as a juror, most distinctively at Cannes’ "L'oeil d'or".  She is currently working on her next feature-length documentary Republic of Silence as a director.