Alawiya Sobh

Literature - 2011
A Lebanese writer and novelist, she was born in Beirut and studied Arabic and English literature at the Lebanese University. Upon graduation, she pursued a career in teaching and also began publishing articles and short stories in An-Nida newspaper and An-Nahar. She became editor-in-chief of Al-Hasnaa, a popular Arabic women's magazine, in 1986 and launched her own women’s magazine in 1990 which runs it to this day. Her debut novel, Maryam al Hayaka (Maryam the Weaver), was published in 2002 and received critical acclaimed. Dunya, or Life, was published in 2006. Her last novel, Ismuhu Al Hub, or, It's Called Love, was long-listed for the Arabic Booker Prize in 2010. Sobh has also received the Sultan Qaboos prize and has served on the judging panel of the Beirut39 competition. Her work has been translated into various European languages, and has featured in Banipal magazine.