Sama Alshaibi’s artwork explores spaces of conflict in the aftermath of war and exile. Alshaibi’s monograph, Sand Rushes In (New York: Aperture, 2015) presents her Silsila series, which probes the human dimensions of migration, borders, and environmental demise. Silsila was exhibited at the 55th Venice Biennale, Honolulu Biennial, Qalandia International Biennial (Haifa), American University Museum (Washington D.C.), SMoCA (Arizona), Marta Herford Museum (Germany) and Johnson Museum of Art (Cornell University, NY). Exhibitions also include MoMA (NY), Bronx Museum (NY), Arab American National Museum (Michigan), Headlands Center for the Arts (California), CCS Bard Hessel Museum & Galleries (Bard College, NY), Maraya Art Center (UAE), Busan Museum of Art (South Korea), Darat Al-Funun (Amman), and Ayyam Gallery (UK/UAE). She received a Visual Arts Grant by the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture in 2017, the Arizona Commission on the Arts Grant in 2018, and was awarded a Fulbright Scholar Fellowship (2014-2015) to Palestine. Her essays have appeared in journals and anthologies including Othering & Belonging, Focal Plane, Ibraaz, Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies and Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. Alshaibi was named the University of Arizona’s 1885 Distinguished Scholar, where she is Professor of Photography, Video and Imaging.