Louisa Babari

Born in 1969 in Moscow to a Russian mother and an Algerian father, Louisa Babari grew up in Algiers, Moscow and Paris. She graduated from Sciences-Po and the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO, Paris) with a degree in contemporary studies, Russian, and cinema. She currently resides in Paris. In 2014, her work led to a publication titled Aesthetics of the Antrum (Cabeza de Chorlito). Her works have been exhibited at various venues, including the National Center for Art Edition (CNEAI) in Chatou, the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MUCEM) in Marseille, the Raw Material Company in Dakar, the Dakar Biennale, Bozar in Brussels, the Maison des Arts in Malakoff, Manifesta 13 in Marseille.